From an industrial engineering background, to a decade of professional experience as a software developer, and years of homeschooling experience, I can bring a varied set of tools to your projects.
Rethink all internal systems to get them out of their silos and onto the cloud.
Supervise China production, planning.
Inventory Management.
Server maintenance - nginx, Apache, NodeJS, Python.
Transfer the Dexter Industries products into the ModRobotics family.
June 2015 - July 2019
Creating tutorials for the GoPiGo robot and the GrovePi+ board.
Lead DexterOS project, and GiggleBot design, manufacturing and software.
Created and co-taught Dexter Days, a teacher professional development training session
Installing droplets from scratch at Digital Ocean, on NGINX, paying close attention to security issues, manually installing Wordpress, MySQl, PhpMySql, and optimizing the installation. I've also moved Wordpress websites, optimized page downloads and rendering, and coded Redmine plugins.
Authoring several beginner oriented tutorials on how to control Clyde, an Arduino-based lamp, including how to connect it to the Arduino IDE to change the programming, connecting it to other devices using Xbee connections, and controlling the ambient colors through jelly bean candy.
September 2010 - 2018
Scheduling full days of classes for each of the students attending the centre. Classes cover French as a Second Language, Canadian History, Logic, Arts, singing, Science labs.
1998 - 2003
May 1994 - November 1998
May 1991 – April 1994
Dec 1989- May 1991
2014 & 2015
The specialization was in generic Computer Science, but also in Robotics, and User Interface design from a cognitive ergonomics point of view.